To Delineate Humility

For humility will take the sting from the bite, turn poison to antidote, evil into its proper remedy.

A story as old as time, is that we, mankind, we are willing to barter our freedom for power. Striving for perfection, in the eyes of the beholder. Ruthless competition in order to belong, in the upper echelons of human society.

It is a pity that this crucible that is meant to forge exemplary individuals, will too often crush the ordinary folk when their dreams, their aspirations, will collide with reality.

And even if they do succeed, if they beat all expectations, if they roar triumphantly over this world of ours. They will have little to none agency left. Their freedom they’ve bargained for power, their power diluted by a frightened society; unable to break their golden confinement, unable to pass through the eye of a needle.

Their capability to explore, stunted, impaired, pre-determined. No longer able to associate themselves freely.

And so I implore, all of you, to behold the ambiguity of progress in it’s most purest of forms, and to cherish it. For both failure, and success will cost you dearly.

To collect as many moments of humility along the way, as you can muster. For humility will take the sting from the bite, turn poison to antidote, evil into its proper remedy.

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