To Delineate Honesty

It is honesty that enables true leadership to radiate hope, the masses to be dignified, and our society to have both purpose and meaning.

One of mankind’s most fruitful desires, has been our pursuit for knowledge, in its wake courage has taken root in the hearts of men. Trembling fingers, twisting bellies, yet the legs do stand strong.

Knowledge used to be delineated with honesty, a less than perfect account of a more than broken world. Providing comfort and solace where the truth offered none.

And yet, it is honesty that enables true leadership to radiate hope, the masses to be dignified, and our society to have both purpose and meaning.

And still, as mankind we’ve looked to find patterns in the madness, the madness that allowed us to dream, allowed us to sacrifice, but above all else it allowed us to flourish in a world that we could never truly grasp.

And as more, and more of that got ordered, in a way where truth has taken the place where once faith could propel us to heights unknown.

We should ask ourselves, and the people that come before and after if that is a sacrifice we are willing to make.

To sacrifice an honest account of a world, of all its beauty and its glory. The sacrifices of people that might never really be, if it were for the truth. Tradition and culture, all erased by the blink of an eye and the snap of a finger. For to author truth, is to author nothing at all.

And deep within our hearts we understand. And the people that would lose the most when their tragedies would merely become numbers, when their moments of glory would vanish away in a heartbeat. They will fight for what they believe in, with courage and with honour, for the truth at that point, becomes a threat to their way of life, instead of an enhancement of it.

And this very delicate line, where truth serves honesty, not the other way around, is where mankind can flourish, by means of faith and purpose, by means of wisdom and power, courage and grace.

But for that we do have to accept that honesty is the true form of human being, and that within our heart, that beats as a mortal, truth can never be found. But honesty can roar, honesty can fill a presence that is larger than the universe, that we could ever understand. Our universe, our story, an honest story.

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