To Delineate Radical

Progress is built on the back of those who can envision a tomorrow that probably shouldn’t be in the eyes of the masses.

If we look back towards those who came before us. That have carved out a path that these days we entitle as civilization. We must somehow understand that, a lot of them, in their time. They were crazy enough to dream, and wicked enough to pursue.

Progress is built on the back of those who can envision a tomorrow that probably shouldn’t be in the eyes of the masses. And now in this very small moment that we live, what we call home, with friends and family alike. Where we try to make this world a better place, or atleast, we think we are.

We have a choice to make, a choice where we can smile towards the future, and embrace it with open arms. But so many people will have to make a choice, and not all choices that we make, with our very own hands. Our feet on the ground, our heads looking towards that which is forbidden. Towards the sky for an endless journey and a voyage that could never become. Towards each other in a way that only love is capable of ushering forward imagination that uproots mankind’s most deepest desires.

We all understand that, that journey, that moment of forever. That we desire it, but it will probably never come to pass in our lives times or of our offspring. But still it’s that understanding that we need to be a little bit of a radical in order to change the world to our liking. That we have to break the rules once in a while, in order to make sure that those rules that we do prefer are capable of surviving.

That we have to allow a certain amount of instability and undesirableness around our collective being, in order to achieve and attain that which was already given by those who came before us. Who also said: I’m willing to try to make this world a little bit better. With all the crazy thoughts that I have, and all the wickedness that allows me to pursue those thoughts, and usher them forward into reality.

We indeed stand on top of the shoulders of giants. Political masterminds that sacrificed so much more than they could probably ever imagine themselves, for a world that became so much more than they could probably ever imagine themselves. And that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? We have Hope, we have a tomorrow, a new dawnrise.

Where we can once again embrace those we love, in a world of our very own making.

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